On August 31st, 2020, SNA was delighted to welcome hundreds of students to the school to start the new school year 2020 – 2021. The golden sunlight shone down the green football field, blending with the typical brick red color of the school, it all caused everyone different feelings, old students were gladly to see each other after a memorable summer, new students were well guided to meet new friends in new classes and all teachers were also looking forward to see their students who would be with them on the challenging year ahead but interested.
The Opening Day was scheduled to go very smoothly, it came from a very hard work in preparation but also from the bottom of all SNA officers’ heart. We did with all of our heart to welcome and guide all students to come in class on time. Parents still cooperated with us to ensure the safety of all students, although some restrictions of COVID-19, and SNA really appreciated that.
Due to unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, SNA insists on doing safe methods for all students and officers including washing hand, wearing mask and safe distancing.
Hopefully, this start can be a sign for joyous experiences in the next school year for our teachers and students at SNA. Together, we will all be successful in learning.