Apart from weekly field trips, SNA EAGLE CAMP also offers a vibrant academic program with 6 exclusive learning topics, focused on building skills in multiple contexts:
- ENGLISH COMMUNICATORS: Enhance creative & critical thinking and communication skills through interaction, reading, and writing using language skills.
- BALANCED ATHLETES: Balancing different aspects of life intellectual, physical, and emotional to achieve overall well-being for ourselves and others.
- SCIENTIFIC INQUIRERS: Develop natural curiosity, engage in project-based learning, and acquire skills necessary to conduct independent inquiry and research.
- ARTISTIC THINKERS: Lift creativity by expressing your feelings and ideas, through art, music, and dance.
- KNOWLEDGEABLE STEM EXPERTS: Explore concepts, design products, and solve issues that have local and global significance to understand how things work.
- REFLECTING LIFE SKILLS: Identify your strengths and weaknesses to support your learning and personal development. (Critical thinking skills/Decision-making skills; Interpersonal/Communication skills; Coping and self-management skills)
? Starting date: 27 June 2022
? Registration link: https://bit.ly/SNA_Summer_2022
? ??? ??????? ??? ????????: 30% discount on total tuition fee. It is required that Parents pay the tuition in full by April, 30th 2022.
? ??? ??? ????????:
• 15% discount on total tuition fee when paid in full by April 29th, 2022.
• 10% discount on total tuition fee when paid in full by May 31st, 2022.
Quickly register your children to participate in SNA Eagle Camp today!
??Follow SNA at:
• Website: https://localhost/html/
• Fanpages: https://www.facebook.com/snavietnam
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/snaibnamsaigon/
• Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SchoolsNorthAmerica/