3 weeks pass away, SNAers went through half of the summer journey of observing the world and exploring their own personal development, their own unique identity.
Last week, with the theme “Personal and Cultural Expression”, students had a chance to discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
While kindergarten and first-grade students studied letters, phonics, and vocabulary, second through fifth-grade students inquired about our history and society. These students would experience an interesting week of learning, enjoying your creativity, expressing your aesthetic sense through building a Vietnamese house model, boat model as well as designing paper clothes by hand to serve plays.
In math class, secondary students did not engage in boring theory, formulas, and models of exponential functions and equations. These models were also applied to real-world situations. Besides, in STEM sessions, students experimented with food science and geology by baking cupcakes and using that for their geology project. Students engaged in learning activities and games that pushed their presentation skills, critical thinking, and analytical skills by researching and presenting information about equality. Moreover, students also read various articles about bias in the media and were able to detect which news stories were fake and which were real in their English class.
By the end of the week, all summer camp students enjoyed the overnight campfire at SNA. Students engaged in exciting activities like tent building and decorating, creating slogans and fostering teamwork and team building activities, campfire and more. Over the course of week 3, students have built a closer family through these meaningful moments and team building activities.